Longfellow Students Follow the Flow to Capisic Brook
In late April, Longfellow 5th graders started their month-long water quality and healthy soil unit with the Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District. To kick off the program, students participated in a skit to learn about the water cycle; soft, pervious surfaces versus hard, impervious surfaces; and common water pollutants as a water droplet, Flow, moved through the Capisic Brook watershed.
The following day the 5th graders walked with District staff from Longfellow Elementary School to Capisic Pond Park. Several stops were made along the way to learn about stormwater infrastructure like storm drains, detention basins, ditches, and culverts and to observe pollutants like litter, dog waste, car oil, fertilizer, and bare soil. Once at Capisic Pond Park, students identified aquatic insects collected from Capisic Brook, completed a nature scavenger hunt, and completed their watershed journey at a neighborhood outfall and drainage ditch into Capisic Pond.