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Students from Cheverus High School and Lincoln Middle School along with staff from the Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District will take part in project to mark storm drains in neighborhoods around Capisic Brook. This project is part of a coordinated city-wide effort to raise awareness of how the public can help keep pollution out of the city's streams and Casco Bay. Most city storm drains empty directly into the nearest body of water without being treated, which means that any trash or contaminates like soil, fertilizer, weed & bug killers, detergents, cigarette butts, and dog waste, emptied into a storm drain end up polluting local brooks, streams, ponds, lakes, and the bay.
The students will be accompanied by a natural resource professional as they stencil storm drains in Capisic Brook neighborhoods. By stenciling the storm drains Don't Dump – Keep water clean, the students hope to make the public aware of the consequences of dumping pollutants into the storm drains and encourage residents and visitors to the area to do their part to keep the city's water systems clean.
For more information about this project, contact Kelsey White at 207-892-4700.